Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my article-difficulties

Hi again,
I have been struggling to make a blog post for so long and finally I could find time to write one! It is almost the end of the first semester and I only had a final. The other two classes I take require me to prepare assignments taking a lot of time but helpful in terms of learning how to conduct a research and they are also urging me to read more.
Having a lot of responsibilities like teaching 2o hours, co-moderating an online workshop and teaching voluntarily, I usually find myself rushing from one task to another quite fast.I think I am improving my multitasking ability in that way! :))

I got my first feedback on the introduction, literature review of my article. Most of it was about my use of APA style in the paper. As my topic is motivation and my pbwiki use I really stuggled to summarize all the resources and studies I found and relate them to instructional design. I finished the second draft yesterday and submitted it. I hope I did it right this time. As it is my first article, I think Ilearn from my own mistakes .

I also received feedback on themethod part of my study. I need to make the tables more detailed .I also need to analyze them more in detail. (question by question). As thereare 13 questions in the survey I conducted, I think it will take longer than expected for me to report and analyse the data.

There are still some questions in my mind about how to use content analysis in order to discuss the results of the study. The lecturer advised me to use pattern coding and I guess it requires me to look at some particular phrases and words the interviewees used using pattern coding. I will learn by doing for sure! Sleepless night are waiting for me again.I am really in need of ideas in order to anlayze and interpret the interviews.

Hoping to learn more through interaction.


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